One of the main reasons I havnt gotten a blog until now is I wasnt sure what I would have to blog about... Is this blog going to be about my life? is it going to be about one part of my life? is this going to be a technical blog?
To tell you the truth, im still not sure!!
Do I feel like divulging a bunch of personal information, or what I did over the weekend on the interwebs? I mean all the cool kids are doing it right!? Right!? Is what I did on the weekend that interesting? If I dont talk about what I did on the weekend, will I have anything to say? Will it be on a regular basis? Chances are the answer to that is no!
So I guess that means this is gonna be a bit of both! Unfortunately, I dont have anything technical or entertaining to add to the interweb. I went to my cousins 40th on the weekend, and it was good to catch up with some of my cousins, but thats not really that interesting to you lot. What about my GF's antics! They were certainly a bit more interesting! She ended up with grazes all over her face after running into a tree. lol. The funny part was her getting talked to about domestic abuse by the lady at the vege store. HILARIOUS! Im just glad I wasnt there otherwise im sure I would have ended up with dirty looks! I probably wouldnt of had a problem admitting that she had actually done it while she was on a girls night out and was somewhat tipsy... she would of been a prime candidate for one of those 'Its not the drinking, its how we're drinking', or maybe the 'leave your friends at home' commercials... As I type this and consider posting it to the internet, I wonder if she will be pissed off at me. Ha... ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!! :P
As far as my iPhone development is going, its been a little slow over the last couple of days. I go through moods of excitement in a project... right now im at a loss for direction.I need to find some new inspiration for ideas to put into the current game. Ive got a lot of the basic stuff done, but it's all about the gloss and the shineys! Ive got some ideas about what I want to put in, so now its a case of figuring out how to slot them in. Im also considering making some changes to the basics of the game. Its a colour matching game that has a very specific requirement that im considering loosening up to make it a little easier. Im not giving away too much as im a little paranoid... you know, one of the MILLIONS of people that dont read my blog my steal my ideas!
But, is anybody even reading your blog?
When I tell them to!
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