One of the main reasons I was always opposed to starting a blog has become a reality. Im not keeping it up.
Why you might ask? Obviously because I have nothing of value to submit to the interwebs right now. I never really wanted the blog to be a boring submission of my day to day tasks, and/or social life on the weekend. I’m certainly no Katy Perry when it comes to my Friday nights, which generally consist of staying home and entertaining myself through gaming/drinking/movies. Hardly exciting reading material for the average user. Who wants to read about someone doing the same thing they’re doing? Not me. BORING! Most people are more interested in living vicariously through others.
What I really wanted to do with my blog was follow my development lifecycle with iOS game development, use it as lessons learnt for others wanting to follow the tricky path of making it as a game developer, of course that’s been a bit slow for me lately.
I just haven’t had the drive to work on my games. I haven’t had the drive to do much of anything if I was really going to be honest with myself! Maybe it’s the winter blues, maybe it’s because I’ve let myself slip into some kind of stale creative lull. I think if I was to analyse the cause of my problem, it is probably due to my lack of exercise.
Its amazing how exercise not only pumps up the body, but the mind as well. I was a reasonably active surfer up until a month or two ago when the cold arrived. Since the arrival of winter, I’ve allowed myself to do nothing. All that eating/drinking/lack of exercise has obviously thickened my brain (and fattened my waistline).
So bring on the warmer climate I say. To all those twats that think winter is awesome, you are all fools. Winter brings cold, wet, hibernative (is that even a word??) tendencies.
The hilarious offshoot from all of this is several of my friends felt somewhat inspired to kick off their own blogs... most of which have made 0-1 posts! awesome! At least I inspire mediocrity!
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